Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Obama's divide and conquer Marxist philosophy has frustrated 78% of Americans

 Sahit Muja

Sahit Muja: Obama's divide and conquer Marxist philosophy has frustrated 78% of Americans.
The hallmarks of President Obama's 2012 election campaign are negative ads, divide and class warfare .The Obama's class warfare has already become a dominant theme in the 2012 race.

Nearly eight in 10 Americans, or 78%, say they are "frustrated" by the ongoing political battle, according to a new Knights of Columbus-Marist survey released Tuesday.
About three-quarters of Americans believe this election year is more intense in its negative campaigning than previous years, with 74% saying the problem is getting worse.

Meanwhile, roughly two-thirds of Americans, or 66%, say candidates have spent more time on the offensive than addressing issues. Nearly the same amount, 64% say negative campaign ads "harm the political process" either "a great deal" or "a significant amount."

Did you hear the answer Obama's press secretary gave when asked "why our "leader" has not met with his job council in 6 months"?... This shows President Obama's priorities are keeping his own job and control.
Instead of the relentless attacking Romney , President Obama should be telling the American people how He plan to attack the problems we are all facing and offering solutions instead of negative ads.

President cannot run away from his record or blame others anymore. The current U.S debt is nearing $16 trillion, and our annual budget deficit of $1.2 trillion. We have 45 million people on food stamps and 15 million unemployed. Mr. President bring us some real solutions instead of rhetoric.

Maybe President Obama could take his summer vacation to Spain, Greece, Europe this year. He could use it as a "trip to the future" experience for what's awaiting the U.S.
President Obama dos not understand that the right stimulus for U.S economy is less government, lower taxes and less burden on the business community.

President Obama seem to live in fairy land where there is always somebody else who will work to pay for failing government programs.
The Obama's supporters fail to understand that you have to work for what you get. Socialism - works great until you run out of other people's money.

The hallmarks of President Obama's government spending are waste, waste, and more waste.
Governor Romney's strength derives from his solid experience in understanding free enterprise and having the vision to help businesses succeed and therefore create jobs.

Governor Romney's economic formula is exactly what can stabilize businesses and help them feel confident to invest and create jobs.
Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation.

Mitt Romney seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. It relinquishes power to the states instead of claiming to have the solution to every problem.

Mitt Romney is calling for a fundamental change in Washington’s view of how economic growth and prosperity are achieved, how jobs are created, and how government can support these endeavors.
It is at once a deeply conservative return to policies that have served our nation well and a highly ambitious departure from the policies of our current leadership. In short, it is a plan to get America back to work.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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