Friday, August 10, 2012

Romney has picked GOP superstar Paul Ryan to be his running mate


Sahit Muja: Romney has picked GOP superstar Paul Ryan to be his running mate.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan to be his running mate, according Associated Press .

Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan will appear together Saturday in Norfolk, Va., at the start of a four-state bus tour to introduce the newly minted GOP ticket to the nation.
Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan was born and raised in the community of Janesville, Paul Ryan is a fifth-generation Wisconsin native. Currently serving his 7th term as a Member of Congress, Paul works to address the many important issues affecting Wisconsin residents and serve as an effective advocate for the 1st Congressional District.

Paul Ryan is the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, where he works to bring fiscal discipline and accountability to the federal government. He is a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, Social Security, health care and trade laws.

Paul has put forward a specific plan to tackle our looming fiscal crisis, driven by the explosion of entitlement spending. “The Path to Prosperity” helps spur job creation today, stops spending money the government doesn’t have, and lifts the crushing burden of debt. This plan puts the budget on the path to balance and the economy on the path to prosperity.

Paul is a graduate of Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville and earned a degree in economics and political science from Miami University in Ohio. Paul and his wife Janna live in Janesville with their children, daughter Liza and sons Charlie and Sam. The youngest of four children, Paul is the son of Paul Sr. (deceased) and Betty Ryan. He is a member of St. John Vianney’s Parish.

Governor Romney's strength derives from his solid experience in understanding free enterprise and having the vision to help businesses succeed and therefore create jobs. Governor Romney's economic formula is exactly what can stabilize businesses and help them feel confident to invest and create jobs.

Mitt Romney will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. Mitt Romney seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. It relinquishes power to the states instead of claiming to have the solution to every problem.

Mitt Romney is calling for a fundamental change in Washington’s view of how economic growth and prosperity are achieved, how jobs are created, and how government can support these endeavors. It is at once a deeply conservative return to policies that have served our nation well and a highly ambitious departure from the policies of our current leadership. In short, it is a plan to get America back to work.
Social engineering experiment straight from Chicago

Romney stands for life, Obama legislated for millions of abortions. Romney abides by the Constitution, Obama thinks the Constitution is a “charter of negative liberties”, his words, not mine.
Romney wants lower taxes, Obama wants higher taxes. Romney stands for smaller government, Obama, you guessed it, wants much larger role for his government.

Romney is a capitalist, Obama is a non-capitalist (just to be generous). Romney believes in the 2nd amendment, Obama wants to restrict gun ownership.
Romney believes in a strong military presence, Obama believe in unilateral disarmament. Romney supports US allies, Obama turns his back on our “colonialist” allies and Israel.President Obama is utterly bankrupt in terms of political capital. As much as President Obama might want to revise history on His record, the

American people will see through the rhetoric.
Enough with Obama's social engineering experiment straight from Chicago economic devastation
This President is finished, so long as American voters are equipped with the mental faculties to perceive economic devastation .

The national debt is running at an alarming clip, with no sign of a let up in its growth. President Obama has nothing to show for his 4 years except for economic devastation, $16 trillion in debt, over 45 million Americans on food stamps and 15 million unemployed Americans .American people are smart , informed enough, both politically and economically, to see beyond the rhetoric and demagoguery.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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