Sahit Muja: New York |
Sahit Muja: Romney beats Obama 73 percent believe he will win the GOP nomination
A poll survey done by ABC News/Washington Post showed that Romney could beat Obama 49 percent to 47 per cent.
A majority of Republican voters expect Mitt Romney to be the GOP presidential nominee, according to a new poll released Monday.
The CBS News/New York Times poll finds that 73 percent believe Romney is the inevitable nominee, a significant change from 55 percent in January.
While Mississippi and Alabama are seen as unfavorable states for Romney, some polls show him either tied or ahead in both Southern states
This election is about: Individualism vs. collectivism. Individualism is manifested by Capitalism and individual responsibility.
President Obama is the perfect manifestation of collectivism. The government control of everything and no individual responsibility.
We desperately need a WARRIOR to promote the values of INDIVIDUALISM, entrepreneurship, innovation and the American Dream.
The Republicans are going to need independents to win this election. Most independents are fed up with Obama but they don't want the election to be about gays and abortion.
Gingrich and Santorum will not play well with these people. The majority of Republican votes to date have been casted for Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney has large numbers of highly enthusiastic supporters regardless of the media's attempts to distort the picture. It is time for Republicans to unite in support of their strongest candidate. That is clearly Mitt Romney.
Is Rick Santorum ready to be President ? No, No and No. He’s never run a business. He’s never run a state. A Washington politician who proudly voted for the bridge to nowhere and for liberal Judge Sotomayor.
Santorum lost his seat in a key swing state, who is fiscally liberal, and a Washington insider. He was booted out of the Senate and wants to be our President. Does that sound like this country needs to get us back on track? We have already had 3 years of big government, big spending, inexperienced “leadership”, and we don’t need another.
Just like candidate Obama in 2008, Rick Santorum never has run a business or a state. If you want a legislator for President you already have that. With Obama the federal government recorded its worst deficit in history.
We need someone with executive leadership experience. Someone who can lead the country, not tear it down bill by bill.
Romney has run a successful business, saved the Olympics, and run a state when they were in an economic crisis. Romney has the experience and the know-how to get it done.
Romney, who has now won 17 of the 26 states, bagging 455 delegates of 1,444 needed to secure the nomination. Santorum is trailing far behind with only 199 delegates.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York
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