Friday, July 13, 2012

To cover up his failure Obama has spend $100 million attacking Romney

 Sahit Muja

Sahit Muja: To cover up his failure Obama has spend $100 million attacking Romney.
 President Barack Obama's re-election campaign has spent $100 million on television commercials in key battleground states.

President Obama has continuously vilified Romney, "millionaires", "billionaires" and "corporate Jet" owners". The irony is that the same groups "millionaires, billionaires" that President Obama bashes by day, he dine and get campaign donations at night.
The Obama's hypocrisy is astounding.
Is President Obama spending time with poor and working class  ?
NO, NO instead President Obama visits Beverly Hills, Manhattan, Hawaii, wine & dining, vacations with Jet and play golf with billionaires and Hollywood celebrities.

More than 60% of US billionaires are democrats like, Arthur Blank, Warren Buffett, Barry Diller, Michael Eisner, David Geffen, Charles Gifford.
Jeffrey Katzenberg, Norman Lear, Penny Pritzker, Goerge Soros, Steven Spielberg, Steve Tisch, Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Greene, Charles Ergen, Vance K. Opperman, Daniel Abraham, Robert F.X. Sillerman, George Lucas, Alice WaltonSumner Redstone. William Barron Hilton, Eric Schmidt, William Randolph Hearst III, Marc Benioff, Anthony Pritzker, Ray Milton Dolby, Charles Schwab. Robert Kraft, Gordon P. Getty II, Steven Ballmer, Ralph Lauren, Jeff Bezos, Henry Samueli and more.

President Obama's campaign is expected to raise a billion dollars, this money will be used to manipulate the voters.

The Obama's mythology " Yes We Can" is dead. The dream is now a nightmare. President Obama has fallen tragically short of fulfilling prophetic legacy "Yes We Can", "Change We Can Believe In", "fighting for poor and middle class working people"

Instead of articulating a change the Obama's administration gave us bailouts to failing banks, bailouts to Wall Street on the backs of the vulnerable hard working American people.
Is true Obama's political ideology traps the poor and middle class and keeps them in poverty.
This "Yes We Can" dream is now a nightmare.

Where are the jobs, clean air and good education under the current set up ?
President Obama has nothing to show for his 4 years except for economic devastation, $16 trillion in debt, over 50 million Americans on food stamps and 15 million unemployed.

For 10 years, government spending by Republicans and Democrats has been out of control.
We need a revamping of the tax code that reduces rates while expanding the tax base by cutting exemptions, credits, loopholes and other methods by which Corporations reduce their tax burdens.

The result would be lower tax rates on individual , companies and an overall increase in tax revenue
People like Warren Buffet use the loopholes to lower their tax rates.
The number of people that are buying into this class warfare tax argument is directly proportional to the number of people that have no understanding of economics.

If someone else is wealthy, they do NOT posses your money. This political agenda for equality through socialism is nonsense.
The America was always a land of opportunity where the people wanted to be rich and successful, now rich are blamed for everything instead of fallowing their road to success.

Sahit Muja
President And CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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