Sahit Muja |
Sahit Muja: Obama may lose election as supporters suffering severe unemployment.
Obama’s key enthusiastic voting demographic: African Americans, Hispanics, and young adults have suffered the most under his economic policies. College graduates are disillusioned, settling for part-time jobs bagging groceries at the supermarket instead of finding a job that utilizes their expensive education. The unemployment rate is at 8.3 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported.
The unemployment among the major Obama's enthusiastic supporters worker groups, Youth 23.8 percent, blacks 14.1 percent the unemployment rate for Hispanics 10.3 percent. Minority African Americans youth unemployment is astronomically high with no hope for improvement any time soon. This creates enormous social problems in already fragile communities.
There simply are not enough public union voters, welfare queens and Hollywood elite to carry Obama to the finish line this time. The Senate has been in Democrat controlled hands since January 2007 with Harry Reid as majority leader after Dennis Hastert retired.
The House of Representatives, under Nancy Pelosi, gained control of the House in January 2007. The Senate is still Democrat controlled. Obama had a Democrat led majority in both houses of Congress from January 2009 (his inauguration) up until January 2011 when Republicans won back the house majority in the November 2010 mid-term elections.
Obama had 2 years of unchecked power at his disposal and did nothing other than shove a health care mandate down the throats of every American that will end up adding another $1.5 trillion dollars in debt to the budget over a 10 year period.
On top of the already $5.5 trillion he's added since taking office in January 2009. How's that for "empowering every American to be successful" when every child born today owes the imperial federal government $68,000 before they get their first diaper changed.
Hope?. No, change indeed.
Obama demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of free enterprise and a fundamental concept of free enterprise. Nothing Is Free. The opportunity America supposedly gives you, it doesn't come to you on a silver platter, it comes at a cost and a sacrifice, a cost of time, sacrifice of not being able to spend as much time with family and friends.
The unemployment after near 4 years of Keynesian economics is still over 8.3%.The US debt is near 16 trillion dollars and counting. The budget, 60 percent of the money goes to entitlements. If Americans are out of work so will be the President. This election is about economy and jobs. It is about enthusiasm, because enthusiasm gets people out to the polls on election day.
Obama’s supporters are not enthusiastic about voting for him, and while they may answer the phone and tell a pollster that they will vote for Obama, a significant portion of unemployed Youth 23.8 percent, blacks 14.1 percent and Hispanics 10.3 percent, those people will not actually go out and vote on election day because they have no enthusiasm. Romney’s supporters are enthusiastic about going out to vote for him.
President Obama will likely lose the election.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York
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