Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bloody year in Obama’s City Chicago murders up 32 percent

 Sahit Muja
 Sahit Muja: Bloody year in Obama’s City Chicago murders up 32 percent.
According to the reports from Chicago Police Department, City has 284 murders in 2012 up 32% from 2011. President Obama’s best friends Rahm Emanuel is Chicago Mayor. Rahm Emanuel, who was Obama’s chief of staff has failed miserably to stop violence in Chicago..

Chicago is racked by poverty, unemployment, Chicago has become the youth murder capital of the United States. Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s former boss President Obama’s economic policies have failed miserably to.”Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are” Chicago is having a bloody year. 
Homicides there are up more than 32 percent over this time last year. 

The city has long struggled with a gang problem, one of the worst in the country. With lawful gun owners being few and far between in Chicago felons/criminals have full control of the streets.

Don’t confuse intentions with results – preventing law abiding citizens from protecting themselves does not lower the crime rate.This is a great example about how gun control doesn’t work. Chicago, the same playground where Obama got his experiences – the playground of corrupt, lying-extortionist, promises everything and anything under the sun politicians.

My hope, Mr. President, is that in the face of this report from Chicago Police You stand up against the most violent games and films. While it has been interesting reading the liberal spin on the horrible act in Colorado it would seem no one has even come close to putting the truth out there.

The finger needs to squarely point at President Obama, Rahm Emanuel., Economic problems, jobs, Hollywood, liberalization of parenting laws, one parent family advocates and, of course, the rap/video game industries.

Every year the most violent games and films, each year advertising “more real bloodshed scenes” top the sales charts. Rap music has been glorifying murder, rape and gun violence ever since the ACLU pushed it past censorship in the early 90s. Clinton’s early 90s.

With Hollywood’s help President Obama’s campaign is expected to raise a billion dollars for all election campaign in 2012, this money will be used to manipulate the voters.
The Obama’s mythology ” Yes We Can” is dead. The dream is now a nightmare. President Obama has fallen tragically short of fulfilling prophetic legacy “Yes We Can”, “Change We Can Believe In”, “fighting for poor and middle class working people”

Instead of articulating a change the Obama’s administration gave us bailouts to failing banks, bailouts to Wall Street on the backs of the vulnerable hard working American people. Is true Obama’s political ideology traps the poor and middle class and keeps them in poverty.

Where are the jobs, clean air and good education under the current set up ? President Obama has nothing to show for his 4 years except for economic devastation, $16 trillion in debt, over 45 million Americans on food stamps and 15 million unemployed. Chicago is the best example of President Obama’s achievements and His mythology ” Yes We Can”.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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