Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Election 2012, new poll Romney lead Obama by 3 percent

 Sahit Muja
 Sahit Muja: Election 2012, new poll Romney lead Obama by 3 percent
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.
Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

It is really sad to see that a nation of such wealth, technology and abundance of almost everything in world, coupled with the most wonderful people, has some of the most ignorant of the people in the politics
Independents Will Decide the 2012 Election.

Independents, your thoughtful consideration and wisdom is needed to bring fiscal sanity back to this nation. To bring excessive spending , deficits, size and scope of govt under control and resize this to match existing revenue stream for a more prosperous America. America needs you more than ever.
Obama's message tax on the rich divide and blame is not working.Obama's tax on the rich will run the government for seven 7 days.

More than enough funds are collected to take care of the core responsibilities of the Fed govt. Everything else is excess and should only be funded with what is left over after fully funding the core responsibilities. Social programs are not a core responsibility of govt and thus would need to be drastically reduced to meet a balanced budget.

Clinton was smart enough to recognize mid-term elections for what they were. A referendum on big government. So, he stopped his agenda and came right. Obama does not have that quality. 2010 was referendum on his policies and he has stayed left. A record number of Americans are now living in poverty, We have the largest budget deficit in human history

The cost of health insurance has increased 75% in 3 years We have the lowest level of workforce participation since Jimmy Carter .. and Democrats say "Obama has done a very good job."
A liberal would like us to believe the answer to all our problems is to give more money to the government. The U.S. ran a deficit way out of control near $16 trillion dollars.

Obama's administration has clobbered the working poor and the middle class.
And now they are taking down people who invest, whom they consider evil “millionaires and billionaires.”
How much damage can Obama administration do though over-regulation, environmental wackoism, failure to allow production of more domestic energy, constant talk of higher taxes, incessant business bashing, ridiculous growth of government, and failure to understand capitalism and the free market?

President Obama is utterly bankrupt in terms of political capital.
As much as President might want to revise history on His economic record, the American people will see through the rhetoric. This president is finished, so long as American voters are equipped with the mental faculties to perceive economic devastation .

The national debt is running at an alarming clip, with no sign of a let up in its growth.
President Obama has nothing to show for his 4 years except for economic devastation, $16 trillion in debt, over 45 million Americans on food stamps and 15 million unemployed Americans .
American people are smart , informed enough, both politically and economically, to see beyond the rhetoric and demagoguery.

Simple fact. All raising tax on anybody does. Is remove money from the private sector economy. It does not create jobs, it does not increase salaries, it does not lower anybodies tax. It just gives government more money to waste.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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