Sahit Muja: Polls: Obama vs Romney race very close Castro and Chávez endorsed Obama
President Barack Obama heads into the first presidential debate has a narrow lead overMitt Romney in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News nationwide poll.
The survey shows the race tightening, with President Barack Obama now leading 49% to 46% among likely voters.
The survey shows the race tightening, with President Barack Obama now leading 49% to 46% among likely voters.
The survey of likely voters had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points. Mitt Romney trails the president by a single percentage point among likely voters in Florida and by two points in Virginia, the new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist Poll surveys show. Both races are statistical dead heats, as Mr. Obama's leads fall within the surveys' margin of error.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows President Obama attracting support from 49% of voters nationwide, while Mitt Romney earns the vote from 47%. One percent (1%) prefers some other candidate, and three percent (3%) are undecided.
The daughter of Cuban dictator Raúl Castro has already endorsed President Obama and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez did so for the second time in less than four months. " if I was from the United States, I’d vote for Obama'' Mr. Chávez said on state television.
How failure,corruption, class warfare, racism and a bankruptcy are admired?.
Obama swore he would go through the "budget" line by line from day one and save trillions in waste, fraud, duplication, obsolescence, pork, earmarks, failed agencies, failed programs and massive amounts of people with jobs that are unnecessary and, or a waste of taxpayer money to "halve the deficit in 4 years".
Obama swore he would go through the "budget" line by line from day one and save trillions in waste, fraud, duplication, obsolescence, pork, earmarks, failed agencies, failed programs and massive amounts of people with jobs that are unnecessary and, or a waste of taxpayer money to "halve the deficit in 4 years".
Despite promising to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term, President Obama has presided over four consecutive years of trillion-dollar deficits. At the end of September, President Obama had added more than $5.4 trillion to the debt. If that weren’t enough, the President’s own budget proposes adding another $9.2 trillion over the next decade.
Unless the President plans for the country to default on its debt, that’s borrowed money that we have to pay back. Based on the current population, our nation’s +$16 trillion debt adds up to more than $51,000 in taxes for every man, woman and child in the country.
How does the President propose to deal with our fiscal crisis? That’s a good question. The short answer is that he doesn’t have a plan.
Under the President’s budget, the national debt would increase to $20 trillion at the end of a second Obama Administration
Imagine a country with a limitless credit card supported by yearly "bumps" in the debt ceiling has No budget, No plan, No idea of how close to collapse we are!
How can even those with little intellect "buy this farm" that Obama tells you is better off than 4 years ago? There is Not one economic statistic to support the lie.
Imagine a country with a limitless credit card supported by yearly "bumps" in the debt ceiling has No budget, No plan, No idea of how close to collapse we are!
How can even those with little intellect "buy this farm" that Obama tells you is better off than 4 years ago? There is Not one economic statistic to support the lie.
President Obama has record high unemployment, record high poverty rates, record high food-stamp recipients, record high accumulation of National debt, record high foreclosures, record high loss of median family income and record high number of recent unemployment for college graduates, record high gas prices, record high food prices, record high insurance premiums and record high devaluation of US dollar.
The unemployment is above 8.1% for 44 months, despite the nearly $6 trillion dollar in Obama's new debt.
Fewer Americans are working today than when President Obama took office.Twenty three million Americans are unable to find jobs or are underemployed. A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office
The US lost its perfect AAA credit rating and the U.S slips to number 7 in global competitiveness for business environment under Obama.
The U.S economy is poised on the edge of a fiscal cliff leading from unemployment, unsustainable debt accumulation.
The U.S economy is poised on the edge of a fiscal cliff leading from unemployment, unsustainable debt accumulation.
Forty-seven million Americans are suffering economic deprivation.
The U.S Nation's National Security is facing traumatic repercussions from Obama' policies. The U.S Southern border is open as a gateway to the most violent criminals and terrorists.
The US is under siege by terrorist fanatical groups of anarchists across the globe. The attacks on U.S. embassies have escalated across the world.
President Obama have Socialized Healthcare, abhorrent taxation, thousands of regulations, redistribution of income and services with much worse to come.
President Obama's proposed solution to reducing the deficit, "tax the rich" solution will only fund the government for about 8 days.
The Obama's "Dream" is now being stripped bare and shown for what it is, a class warfare nightmare for the US economy. President Obama's taxing of the rich plan won't solve the deficit, He could confiscate the entire wealth of America's top 400 wealthiest people $1.7 trillion dollars and it wouldn't put much of a dent in our +$16 trillion deficit. President Obama's proposed solution to reducing the deficit, "tax the rich" solution will only fund the government for about 8 days.
We need to rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation.
Sahit Muja
New York
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