Sahit Muja
Sahit Muja: Presidential debate Romney vs Obama fair questions about
Obama's vision and his record. President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will go head to head on the first presidential debate of the 2012 election at the University of Denver in Colorado tonight.
The focus of the event will be on domestic policy and it will be moderated by PBS NewsHour Executive Editor Jim Lehrer.
My fair questions about Obama's vision and his record.
Mr. President being equal may be your idea of justice, does justice mean fairness, Justice means people get what they deserve. Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome?
Mr. President: Why is there a record Forty-seven million Americans of on food stamps and other welfare programs under your administration?.
Why is there a $16.060 trillion deficit and You have near $6 trillion deficit. Why You are increasing an average of $3.85 billion debt per day.
Why you promise to cut annual federal budget deficits in half by the end of your term?.
Why is unemployment above 8.1% for 44 months, despite the nearly $6 trillion dollar in new debt?.
Why is there a record high foreclosures and record high loss of median family income?
Why twenty three million Americans are unable to find jobs or are underemployed?.
Why is there a record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since you took office?.
Mr President; Do you, or do you not, support the institutional redistribution of wealth in the USA?
Why are you currently asserting executive privilege in Fast & Furious, if you have nothing to hide?
Why are you seemingly incapable of saying the words ‘terrorist attack’ when terrorists attack the US?
Why is your Labor Dept instructing US defense contractors not to mail out Layoff Notices required by law?
Why did you hide the true cost and new taxes of Obamacare from voters?
Why are you allowing Iran the time it needs to develop a nuclear weapons?
Why did you change on the last minute and endorse gay-marriage?
Why did you signed a last minute executive order to create amnesty for a sizable percentage of the illegal immigrants?.
Why are you closing coal plants when home electricity costs are skyrocketing for the middle class, and unemployment is over 8%?
Why are you blocking US oil drilling and the Keystone Pipeline when gas prices are almost $4 a gallon?
Why does your administration refuse to sell the GM shares owned by the US taxpayers?”
Mr. President. Your administration lied and 4 Americans died, how can you sleep at night Mr. President?
Mr. President: Where did Obama's "Hope and Change" go?. President Obama's taxing of the rich plan won't solve the deficit...He could confiscate the entire wealth of America's top 400 wealthiest people $1.7 trillion dollars and it wouldn't put much of a dent in our +$16 trillion deficit?
Mr. President Your proposed solution to reducing the deficit, "tax the rich" solution will only fund the government for about 8 days?
Mr. President You said if You was elected president, the average American family's yearly health insurance premiums would go down by $2,500. According to the Kaiser Health Foundation's study, the average American family's yearly health insurance premiums have gone UP by more than $2,700 since Obama was elected?.
Mr. President. Why The US lost its perfect AAA credit rating and the U.S slips to number 7 in global competitiveness for business environment under Obama.
Mr. President. Why The U.S Nation's National Security is facing traumatic repercussions from Obama' policies. The U.S Southern border is a sieve, open as a gateway to the most violent criminals.
Mr. President Why you promised Russia "more flexibility"? President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility". President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir".
Mr. President. Why does your administration continue to funnel taxpayer dollars to “green energy” companies run by Democrat donation bundlers just months before they file for bankruptcy?
Sahit Muja
New York
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